

On this Thanksgiving Day 2013, I am thankful I met and married an amazing man named Dr. Jim Kennedy. I never thought I would meet a man such as this. A Godly man. A man who knew how to be a husband! A man…

Cherished Chuckles

A Few Funnies from My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz page 25 ——-Original Message——- From: bvoss To: jameskennedy Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 12:32 PM Joke of the day: IT’S SO HOT TODAY, I SAW A ROBIN PULLING A WORM OUT OF THE GROUND WITH…

How important is your ox?

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Excerpt from My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz: page 122 ——-Original Message——- From: jameskennedy To: barbvoss Sent: Mon, Aug 1, 2011 3:21:56 AM Barbara Ann, I know I am premature but thought I would share this with you and you might have a little…

An Inner Heart for Dogs

Veterinarians are schooled in many varieties of animals. Most vet schools do not permit students to engage in species specialization; students must be expert in veterinary medicine covering a wide range of species rather than just one or two (such as dogs, cows, or…

Side by Side/Joy and Grief

True love can transport one to ecstasy. It can invade every cell. I had never known such a phenomenon until I met Jim Kennedy. We both were so full of joy we flaunted it. He nicknamed himself “Jovial Jim” on page 139 of My…

HEADLINE…”Two old people fall into a forever love! Unbelievable story with an unbelievable ending!”

Why read this book?…Because there is nothing like it! How can you trust it is different from any other book of its kind on the market? Because this is a true love story, including original e-mail messages between a lonely woman who asks, “Who…