
Are you chained?

chained_lDo you feel chained to your life? Either feeding off the adrenaline of climbing the job ladder or just trying to make it through one hour or one day?

Do you want to give up or do you love life and can’t wait for tomorrow?

Read any good books lately?belinha-has-more-than-good-looks_l

Do you want to read a live-action book or a tender love story? Do you want to learn some secrets to a good marriage or relationship? Could you care less but just want to escape into a can’t-put-it-down true life story? What if it was about a famous veterinarian? Or a shy girl who just wanted to one day find some happiness with either a horse or a Knight-of-a-husband?

what-a-laugh_lIf you are in a rut, how about getting out by reading and laughing out loud?

Want to read a mushy love letter or poem and roll your eyes and say, “Are you kidding me?” Or do you want to be ambushed by a story where every paragraph is like a roller coaster? Do you want to read a story and ask, “How could that have really happened? Come on, no way could that have happened! And how could the author have had the guts to put that in print?”

How about taking a chance and picking up a memoir that reads like a magnetizing novel and when done you sigh deeply saying, “I can’t believe I read the whole thing?”

You can find it all in My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz. Two real life loving beings whose diary’s quips and traumas were not spared.


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