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[pp. 201-202 two days before our marriage]

——-Original Message——-

From: James Kennedy

To: Barb Voss

Sent: Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:26 AM

Subject: Good Morning

“Good morning, did you rest? I am in one of those retrospective moods today listening to ‘Rainy Night in Georgia.’ I have been to the top fallen to the bottom rose back to the top only to fall again, but today with you I am at the top again and I don’t want to fall to the bottom again. Love me as I love you, be mine as I am yours, for all time to come. Jim.”

Continental Divide, Eisenhower Tunnel, Colorado

——-Original Message——-

From: bvoss

To: jameskennedy

Sent: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:27 AM

Subject: Good Morning

“Wish I could be there to keep you from falling again, stay UP with me, Jim, we both need to keep each other up. This day will be long for I just want to be in your arms. I now must now get off running through the day. Hope your day goes well your Barb”

Free fall over Lake Dillon, Colorado

——-Original Message——-

From: jameskennedy

To: bvoss

Subject: Re: Good Morning

Sent: Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:37:31 PM

“I am referring to life not days and I am saying that with you I am back at the top what happens during a day are little stumbles that you catch yourself or someone catches you but you don’t fall. So you are here and with me that wasn’t a down message it was an up message and you are the reason for the top.”

Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado


“You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.” ~Albert Einstein~

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the LORD has promised to those who love Him.” ~James 1:12~

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