My Beloved Husband, James A. Kennedy, DVM, MS
Chapter Seven
The Picnic That Changed Two Lives and the First Love Letter
Saturday, July 30, 2011
“We met in Colorado Springs at the Target store right off the interstate. I hugged him so hard, like a best friend I hadn’t seen in years. I had brought all the picnic goodies,which we transferred into his truck. We drove around the town just for fun. We drove through the Garden of the Gods. We sat by a little brook. We took a walk hand in hand through a city park. We started driving and found a state park somehow and decided to find just the right spot for our picnic.
It was a beautiful warm day. The park even felt a little cooler. He parked the truck in our private little enclosure with picnic table and a restroom nearby. It was perfect.
I set out all the goodies. He set up his CD player. The atmosphere was mysteriously magical.
Then it happened. We touched. But this was a new sensation, unlike just holding hands on our walk or in the truck.
What is happening?
He leaned against the picnic table and drew me into him, just to encircle his arms around me as close as he could.
I went instantly limp. He actually had to hold me up.
‘Barb, are you okay?’ he asked, sounding alarmed.
I gathered all my strength back up, stood erect, and looked at his beautiful bloodshot eyes.
And we kissed.”
Did I almost lose my balance and fall to the ground?
Were our hearts left with holes in them like the red rocks around us?
Did our love vanish like the zipper-like jet trail above us?
What happened next was eternally riveting!
Photos taken by Barbara A. Kennedy