
Surprise Witness

tybee-island-georgia-july-4-fireworks_lEver watched those old TV courtroom shows where the attorney stands and says, “Your Honor, we have a surprise witness!?”

An author doesn’t know who reads their book(s). But I am honored to be a real-time witness to e-mail and Facebook friends who were “chatting” to me WHILE they were reading My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz or immediately after! I have their permission to use their exact words, their exact reactions, from this true love story. This is what every author wants, to touch the reader in a deep-seated way that they will never forget. How blessed am I to actually know some reader’s split second reactions …


“I am on Chapter 14 and I hate to put it down … It is a book I want to share with everyone. I am laughing about the worms!!!:) love, laughter, tears, truth, transparency, … it is like being in the room with you both… Only Father could do the impossible in writing this book. You lived it, you, Jim, and Father. He knows who should read this. He will see that they read it!”


“I finished your book tonight, Barbara. I am so moved by it, I’m at a loss for words. Thank you so much for sharing this powerful account of your life with Jim. I laughed, cried, felt comforted and inspired and so very sorry for the incredible physical and emotional pain you’ve endured. What a far reaching impact this book will have, and what a powerful testament to the kind of human love that can only come from God. Reading your book is incredibly therapeutic!”


“When I am reading your book I feel like you are my Christian sister …Inspiring … Your book is very relatable. This is a book God wanted you to write.

I wanted to give up this past year. No suicide, just die. I thought God had forgotten me. I was doubting, you see. Hope was diminishing at times. Like I said, your book was a renewal. Your book is an emotional journey. Jim came into your life so that you would know what true love is here on earth. Jim is in your heart. You had such a wonderful God-given love. Thank you for writing this book.

You and Jim loved each other more than other couples do in a lifetime. You had that kind of special love. Jim saved you. You are helping to save others. God had him, but He was also with you. That’s how your book spoke to me.

We were strangers. I validated your reason for writing this book. My faith was weakened this past year by my physical ailments and losing my job. It is like God is saying, ‘look at Barb, you thought that your way was rough, look at Barb.’

I was meant to read your book to help strengthen my faith. Your strength has inspired me. Your faith has amazed me. Your book reminds me to wait on God to trust Him. He wants the best for us, like you wrote in your book, all of this has happened for a reason. Your story is helping me to renew my faith.

So you are here to touch people. To help people renew their faith, like me. You are here to let people know that no matter at what age, love can find you.

Your book helped to ease my worries. You have been through so much. If you can do it and keep on going, I will trust God. I want to tell you how much more hopeful I am about my life since reading your book. I feel lighter. Thank you.

I have read over a hundred books since I broke my leg. Yours made the difference.”


What a privilege to write a true story that would impact even one person like this. I give all the credit to God, not myself. There is no way I could have written this book without His guidance for every word!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

(Photo by Greg Rud, Rural Routes by Greg Rud/facebook; Lucas, KS).
Used by permission.


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